Naming Policy

This naming policy determines the format of page titles, section titles, filenames, and folder names.


This section applies to page titles and section titles.

For casing, we follow the the Associated Press Stylebook. Apply the following rules with higher ones overriding lower ones:

  • Capitalize the first and last words.
  • Capitalize principal words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns), including every part of a hyphenated word.
  • Capitalize prepositions and conjunctions of four letters or more.
  • Capitalize the “to” in infinitives.
  • Lowercase the articles “the”, “a”, and “an”.

For whether to use singular or plural forms, use singular forms. The exceptions are:

  • The page describes a group or class of things.
  • The title only exists in the plural form, such as “scissors”.

Filenames and Folder Names

This section applies to filenames and folder names.

For casing, we use mid-sentence case and snake_casing. This means proper nouns and some specified words are capitalized, and all spaces are replaced by underscores.

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