Walking from Po Lam To HKUST

Going to Yau Yue Wan Village

The journey begins from Po Lam station exit A. You will need to go to Po Lam Estate by going through the shopping mall.

Hang Hau Station exit A

When you see Hang Seng Bank, turn right to go to Metro City Plaza.

HS Bank

Now follow the guide of the shopping mall to reach Po Lam estate. There is a 7-11 near the exit.

Shopping mall 1 Shopping mall 2 Shopping mall 3

The exit is connected to a footbridge. Leave the footbridge by using the exit on the left. Do not use the exit on your right hand side since that is the way to Po Lam Estate but not Yau Yue Wan.


Now continue to walk and cross the roads.

Road Road

You will see the subway, you can choose to cross the subway but I prefer not doing that. Road Road

Cross the road. Continue to walk. Road Turn left for Yau Yue Wan Road. Road You are right when you see that sign of Yau Yue Wan Village. Continue. Road Road

The arrow points to the road to mountain. Let’s go Road

Before mountain climbing: Cautions and Disclaimer


In case of any emergency, call 999 or 112.

You should be reading the following website clearly before attempting any hiking activities, although the hiking journey should be fast.

Safety Hints on Hiking

You should be following the maps as a guide. The images on the guide are for references only. We are not responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or in connection with any information including data on this website.

Climbing Mountains

Now just follow the image description for mountain climbing. You should always follow to Google Maps to prevent errors from happening. The following shows the route we are following.

alt text

Continue to walk until instructions. Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain You are about to finish when you see this stairs. Continue to climb the stairs. Mountain Go down the stairs. Follow the instruction to reach UST. Mountain Mountain Mountain Finally, you made it! This is the south gate! (Building in the camera is Shaw Auditorium) Mountain

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